Thursday, September 24, 2009

Smile, this economy loves you!

I’m in no way a sadist and I hate seeing people hurting, but it has been very interesting watching people react to the economic stress and cultural changes that have taken place over the past 12 months.

The reactions I’ve seen have run the spectrum of clearing out the house and leaving in the middle of the night; to buying up every “once in a lifetime” deal that comes into view thinking that “now’s the time to buy for those who have the means to do it.” Most though fall somewhere in between. Most people are exhausted at this point and just plain tired of reacting. Like the end of a long day at an amusement park, the continued adrenaline rushes between long periods of waiting have left us punch drunk and groggy. The emotional roller coasters have taken their toll and left us woozy. Take us to the IMAX to watch a 3d movie of the ocean and suck in some AC or drive us home, we’re done. We just don’t want to do it anymore.

Even good news seems to have lost its luster lately. The market reacts slower to positive information now than it used to. People just seem jaded and indifferent to the whole show. Mainly because at this point it all just seems like a show. What’s more real, watching middle-aged desk jockeys get thumped by a giant hammer on a reality show or watching yet another bank who took in all the government aid its fat pockets could hold only to pay out billions to its executives in bonuses. It all seems like bad TV to me. Frankly, I am ready to change the channel, and I am in the finance industry.

The people I’ve gained the most inspiration from throughout this year of economic turmoil are the ones who have embraced it as a chance to change things. The people who have seen their share of misfortune and have turned it into opportunity. Families who have downsized over-indulgent lifestyles to simplify things and do more with less. Individuals who have networked with other individuals to share their resources and thus a little bit of themselves to help out. People who have found that long- lost ability that we all have innate within us to survive. Adapt. Unite. Businesses that have been at the forefront of reinventing themselves and streamlining their shape to better react to the curves, to put themselves in a better place than they were a year ago can immerge stronger than ever when things turn around. And they will turn around.

This has been a truly global event. This will be in the history books. We will live through it. We will be better off for it. Anything that doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.

Be open to the changes that are taking place. Be active in the process. Be vocal about your thoughts and share your ideas. A person who sounds no voice when the problem is being solved has no right to one after the fact to complain. That’s my take on it. I’ve been guardedly optimistic thus far. Now I’m tired of keeping up my guard.

I’m ready to just be optimistic.

Good news anyone…or will I just have to create some myself?

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