Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One man's treasure...

I've heard the old adage a hundred times, one man's junk is another man's treasure.  Good stuff.  Very wise.  I get it.  
In my neighborhood Thursday morning is trash pickup.  That means that Wednesday night is the night when the garbage pickers make my junk into their treasure.  Call me crazy but this concept fascinates me.  I am awestruck by the bold disregard for social norms and the willingness to voluntarily pin on the stigma that goes along with diving headfirst into a dumpster or sorting through the recycling bin beside my trash for a "special" bottle.  From what I have noticed they seem to like the "good stuff" bottles mainly.  I did notice that they took the empty Black Seal Rum bottle that was left in the bin the week after vacation.  The Dark & Stormies I made were great, but I don't think the empty bottle will really do anyone a bit of good.  If I were a paranoid type I might assume that they are collecting evidence of my vices and "evil ways", storing them up for the possibility that I might someday make a run for church elder or something.  I can see them popping up from a middle pew, bottles in hand shouting out the names my sins..."and on August 19th, 2010 I picked up an empty bottle of Shiraz and 4 empty bottle of Guinness....shame on YOU!"

It actually makes me take a second look at the recycling as I drag it to the curb.  I look it over to see how I have done the prior week.  Some weeks I have to actually grab a few "good" bottles and put them on top to be sure the pickers don't think I've switched to the cheap stuff.  I wouldn't want to tarnish their image of me.

I hear the familiar sound of the old Dodge now...I better go prepare my offering.

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